4.6. Performance and Security

Pyarmor focus on protecting Python scripts, not good at memory protection and anti-debug.

Generally even using debugger to trace binary extension pyarmor_runtime could not help to restore obfuscated scripts, but it may by pass runtime key verification.

Pyarmor provides runtime hook feature to help users to block this risk, users could write C functions or python scripts to detect the debugger or any attack behaviours. Pyarmor embedded these hooks into the obfuscated scripts, and called by the obfuscated scripts on required. It could improve security significantly, but user need be expert at Python and anti-debug.

In Windows, using --enable-themida could prevent from this leak, it could protect extension module pyarmor_runtime.pyd very well. But in the other platforms, it need extra tools to protect binary extension pyarmor_runtime.so.

Pyarmor provides rich options to obfuscate scripts to balance security and performance.

If anyone announces he could broken pyarmor, please try a simple script with different security options, refer to Highest security and performace. If any irreversible obfusation could be broken, report this security issue to pyarmor@163.com. Do not paste any hack link in pyarmor project.

Though the highest security could protect Python scripts from any hack method, but it may reduce performance. In most of cases, we need pick the right options to balance security and performance.

Here we test some options to understand their impace on performace. All the following tests use 2 scripts benchmark.py and testben.py. Note that the test data is different even run same test script in same machine twice, not speak of different test script in different machine. So the elapse time in the result table is only guideline, not exact value.

The content of benchmark.py

import sys

class BenTest(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.a = 1
        self.b = "b"
        self.c = []
        self.d = {}

def foo():
    ret = []
    for i in range(100000):
    return len(ret)

The content of testben.py

import benchmark
import sys
import time

def metric(func):
    if not hasattr(time, 'process_time'):
        time.process_time = time.clock

    def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
        t1 = time.process_time()
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        t2 = time.process_time()
        print('%-16s: %10.3f ms' % (func.__name__, ((t2 - t1) * 1000)))
        return result
    return wrap

def test_import():
    import benchmark2 as m2
    return m2

def test_foo():

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('Python %s.%s' % sys.version_info[:2])

Different Python Version Performance

Frist obfuscate the scripts with default options, run it in different Python version, compare the elapase time with original scripts.

In order to test the difference without and with __pycache__, run scripts twice.

There are 3 check points:

  1. Import fresh module without __pycache__
  2. Import module 2nd with __pycache__
  3. Run function "foo", an obfuscated class is called 10,000 times

Here are test steps:

$ rm -rf dist __pycache__

$ cp benchmark.py benchmark2.py
$ python testben.py

Python 3.7
test_import     :   1.303 ms
test_foo        : 250.360 ms

$ python testben.py

Python 3.7
test_import     :   0.290 ms
test_foo        : 252.273 ms

$ pyarmor gen testben.py benchmark.py benchmark2.py
$ python dist/testben.py

Python 3.7
test_import     :   0.907 ms
test_foo        : 311.076 ms

$ python dist/testben.py

Python 3.7
test_import     :   0.454 ms
test_foo        : 359.138 ms
Table-1. Pyarmor Permormace with Python Version
Time (ms) Import fresh module Import module 2nd Run function “foo”
Python Origin Pyarmor Origin Pyarmor Origin Pyarmor
3.7 1.303 0.907 0.290 0.454 252.2 311.0
3.8 1.305 0.790 0.286 0.338 272.232 295.973
3.9 1.198 1.681 0.265 0.449 267.561 331.668
3.10 1.070 1.026 0.408 0.300 281.603 322.608
3.11 1.510 0.832 0.464 0.616 164.104 289.866

RFT Mode Performance

RFT mode should be same fast as original scripts.

Here we compare RFT mode with default options, the test data is got by this way.

First obfuscate scripts with default options, then run it.

Then obfuscate scritps with RFT mode, and run it again:

$ rm -rf dist
$ pyarmor gen testben.py benchmark.py benchmark2.py
$ python dist/testben.py

$ rm -rf dist
$ pyarmor gen --enable-rft testben.py benchmark.py benchmark2.py
$ python dist/testben.py
Table-2. Performace of RFT Mode
Time (ms) Import fresh module Run function “foo” Remark
Python Pyarmor RFT Mode Pyarmor RFT Mode  
3.7 1.083 1.317 334.313 324.023  
3.8 0.774 1.109 239.217 241.697  
3.9 0.775 0.809 304.838 301.789  
3.10 2.182 1.049 310.046 339.414  
3.11 0.882 0.984 258.309 264.070  

Next, we compare RFT mode and --obf-code 0 with original scritps by this way:

$ rm -rf dist __pycache__
$ python testben.py

$ pyarmor gen --enable-rft --obf-code=0 testben.py benchmark.py benchmark2.py
$ python testben.py
Table-2.1 Performance of RFT Mode and obf-code 0
Time (ms) Import fresh module Run function “foo” Remark
Python Pyarmor RFT Mode Pyarmor RFT Mode  
3.7 0.757 1.844 307.325 272.672  
3.8 0.791 0.747 276.865 243.436  
3.9 1.276 0.986 246.407 236.138  
3.10 2.563 1.142 256.583 260.196  
3.11 0.952 0.938 185.435 154.390  

They’re almost same.

BCC Mode Performance

BCC mode is special. It takes a long time to load modules, because it need handle binary code, actually it’s a simplified version of dyld.

The following test data got by this way:

$ rm -rf dist __pycache__
$ python testben.py

$ python testben.py

$ pyarmor gen --enable-bcc testben.py benchmark.py benchmark2.py
$ python dist/testben.py

$ python dist/testben.py
Table-3. Performance of BCC Mode with Python Version
Time (ms) Import fresh module Import module 2nd Run function “foo”
Python Origin BCC Mode Origin BCC Mode Origin BCC Mode
3.7 1.130 327.906 1.000 283.469 325.828 283.972
3.8 1.358 269.592 0.277 287.710 249.187 264.473
3.9 1.383 297.131 0.781 254.888 278.289 264.585
3.10 1.261 285.891 0.325 277.887 230.421 272.073
3.11 1.248 212.937 0.219 251.810 148.020 176.307

Impact of Different Options

In order to facilitate comparison, each option is used separately. For example, test --no-wrap by this way:

$ rm -rf dist __pycache__
$ pyarmor testben.py

$ pyarmor gen --no-wrap testben.py benchmark.py benchmark2.py
$ pyarmor dist/testben.py

Python 3.7
test_import     :      0.971 ms
test_foo        :    306.261 ms
Table-4. Impact of Different Options
Option Performance Security
--no-wrap Increase Reduce
--obf-module 0 Slightly increase Slightly reduce
--obf-code 0 Remarkable increase Remarkable reduce
--enable-rft Almost same Remarkable increase
--enable-themida Remarkable reduce Remarkable increase
--mix-str Reduce Increase
--assert-call Reduce Increase
--assert-import Slightly reduce Increase
--private Reduce Increase
--restrict Reduce Increase