Installation and Uninstallation

PyArmor is a normal Python package. You can download the archive from PyPi, but it is easier to install using pip where is available, for example:

pip install pyarmor

or upgrade to a newer version:

pip install --upgrade pyarmor

There is also web ui for pyarmor, install it by this command:

pip install pyarmor-webui

Verifying the installation

On all platforms, the command pyarmor should now exist on the execution path. To verify this, enter the command:

pyarmor --version

The result should show PyArmor Version X.Y.Z or PyArmor Trial Version X.Y.Z.

If the command is not found, make sure the execution path includes the proper directory.

Installed commands

The complete installation places these commands on the execution path:

  • pyarmor is the main command. See Using PyArmor.
  • pyarmor-webui is used to open web ui of PyArmor.

If you do not perform a complete installation (installing via pip), these commands will not be installed as commands. However, you can still execute all the functions documented below by running Python scripts found in the distribution folder. The equivalent of the pyarmor command is pyarmor-folder/

pyarmor-webui is pyarmor-folder/webui/

Clean uninstallation

The following files are created by pyarmor after it has been installed:

~/.pyarmor/    (since v6.2.0)
~/.pyarmor/license.lic             (since v5.8.0)

{pyarmor-folder}/license.lic       (before v5.8.0)
~/             (before v6.2.0)

Run the following commands to make a clean uninstallation:

pip uninstall pyarmor

rm -rf ~/.pyarmor
rm -rf {pyarmor-folder}            (before v5.8.0)
rm -rf ~/      (before v6.2.0)


The path ~ may be different when logging by different user.