Using Project

Project is a folder include its own configuration file, which used to manage obfuscated scripts.

There are several advantages to manage obfuscated scripts by Project:

  • Increment build, only updated scripts are obfuscated since last build
  • Filter obfuscated scripts in the project, exclude some scripts
  • Obfuscate the scripts with different modes
  • More convenient to manage obfuscated scripts

Managing Obfuscated Scripts With Project

Use command init to create a project:

cd examples/pybench
pyarmor init

It will create project configuration file .pyarmor_config in the current path. Or create project in another path:

pyarmor init --src=examples/pybench projects/pybench

The project path projects/pybench will be created, and .pyarmor_config will be saved there.

The common usage for project is to do any thing in the project path:

cd projects/pybench

Show project information:

pyarmor info

Obfuscate all the scripts in this project by command build:

pyarmor build

Change the project configuration by command config.

For example, exclude the dist, test, the .py files in these folder will not be obfuscated:

pyarmor config --manifest "include *.py, prune dist, prune test"

Force rebuild:

pyarmor build --force

Run obfuscated script:

cd dist

After some scripts changed, just run build again:

cd projects/pybench
pyarmor build

Obfuscating Scripts With Different Modes

First configure the different modes, refer to The Modes of Obfuscated Scripts:

pyarmor config --obf-mod=1 --obf-code=0

Then obfuscating scripts in new mode:

pyarmor build -B

Project Configuration File

Each project has a configure file. It’s a json file named .pyarmor_config stored in the project path.

  • name

    Project name.

  • title

    Project title.

  • src

    Base path to match files by manifest template string.

    It could be absolute path, or relative path based on project folder.

  • manifest

    A string specifies files to be obfuscated, same as of Python Distutils, default value is:

    global-include *.py

    It means all files anywhere in the src tree matching.

    Multi manifest template commands are spearated by comma, for example:

    global-include *.py, exclude, prune test

    Refer to

  • is_package

    Available values: 0, 1, None

    When it’s set to 1, the basename of src will be appended to output as the final path to save obfuscated scripts, but runtime files are still in the path output

    When init a project and no --type specified, it will be set to 1 if there is in the path src, otherwise it’s None.

  • restrict_mode

    Available values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

    By default it’s set to 1.

    Refer to Restrict Mode

  • entry

    A string includes one or many entry scripts.

    When build project, insert the following bootstrap code for each entry:

    from pytransform import pyarmor_runtime

    The entry name is relative to src, or filename with absolute path.

    Multi entries are separated by comma, for example:, another/, /usr/local/myapp/

    Note that entry may be NOT obfuscated, if manifest does not specify this entry.

  • output

    A path used to save output of build. It’s relative to project path.

  • capsule

    Filename of project capsule. It’s relative to project path if it’s not absolute path.

  • obf_code

    How to obfuscate byte code of each code object:

    • 0

    No obfuscate

    • 1

    Obfuscate each code object by default algorithm

    • 2

    Obfuscate each code object by more complex algorithm

    The default value is 1, refer to Obfuscating Code Mode

  • wrap_mode

    Available values: 0, 1, None

    Whether to wrap code object with block.

    The default value is 1, refer to Wrap Mode

  • obf_mod

    How to obfuscate whole code object of module:

    • 0

    No obfuscate

    • 1

    Obfuscate byte-code by DES algorithm

    The default value is 1, refer to Obfuscating module Mode

  • cross_protection

    How to proect dynamic library in obfuscated scripts:

    • 0

    No protection

    • 1

    Insert proection code with default template, refer to Special Handling of Entry Script

    • Filename

    Read the template of protection code from this file other than default template.

  • runtime_path

    None or any path.

    When run obfuscated scripts, where to find dynamic library _pytransform. The default value is None, it means it’s within the Runtime Package or in the same path of

    It’s useful when obfuscated scripts are packed into a zip file, for example, use py2exe to package obfuscated scripts. Set runtime_path to an empty string, and copy Runtime Files to same path of zip file, will solve this problem.

  • package_runtime

    How to save the runtime files:

    • 0

    Save them in the same path with the obufscated scripts

    • 1 (Default)

    Save them in the sub-path pytransform as a package

    • 2

    Same as 1, but it’s implied the package pytransform is not in same path with obfuscated scripts in runtime. So the bootstrap code will always make absolute import without leading dots in entry script.


    Same as 1, but it’s implied the package pytransform is in the same path with obfuscated scripts in runtime. So the bootstrap code will always make a relative import with leading dots in the entry script.

  • plugins

    None or list of string

    Extend license type of obfuscated scripts, multi-plugins are supported. For example:

    plugins: ["check_ntp_time", "show_license_info"]

    About the usage of plugin, refer to Using Plugin to Extend License Type

  • enable_suffix

    How to generate runtime package (module) and bootstrap code:

    • 0 (Default)

    There is no suffix for the name of runtime package (module)

    • 1

    The name of runtime package (module) has a suffix, for example, pytransform_vax_00001