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PyArmor is a command line tool used to obfuscate python scripts, bind obfuscated scripts to fixed machine or expire obfuscated scripts.

The syntax of the pyarmor command is:

pyarmor <command> [options]

The most commonly used pyarmor commands are:

obfuscate    Obfuscate python scripts
licenses     Generate new licenses for obfuscated scripts
pack         Pack obfuscated scripts to one bundle
hdinfo       Show hardware information

The commands for project:

init         Create a project to manage obfuscated scripts
config       Update project settings
build        Obfuscate all the scripts in the project

info         Show project information
check        Check consistency of project

The other commands:

benchmark    Run benchmark test in current machine
register     Make registration file work
download     Download platform-dependent dynamic libraries

See pyarmor <command> -h for more information on a specific command.


Obfuscate python scripts.


pyarmor obfuscate <options> SCRIPT...


-O, --output PATH
 Output path, default is dist
-r, --recursive
 Search scripts in recursive mode
--exclude PATH Exclude the path in recusrive mode. Multiple paths are allowed, separated by “,”, or use this option multiple times
--exact Only obfuscate list scripts
--no-bootstrap Do not insert bootstrap code to entry script
 Do not insert protection code to entry script
--plugin NAME Insert extra code to entry script
--platform NAME
 Distribute obfuscated scripts to other platform
--advanced Enable advanced mode
--restrict <0,1,2,3,4>
 Set restrict mode
--package-runtime <0,1,2>
 Save the runtime files as a package or not
-n, --no-runtime
 DO NOT generate runtime files


PyArmor first checks whether Global Capsule exists in the HOME path. If not, make it.

Then find all the scripts to be obfuscated. There are 3 modes to search the scripts:

  • Normal: find all the .py files in the same path of entry script
  • Recursive: find all the .py files in the path of entry script recursively
  • Exact: only these scripts list in the command line

If there is an entry script, PyArmor will modify it, insert cross protection code into the entry script.

Next obfuscate all these scripts in the default output path dist.

After that make the Runtime Package in the dist path.

Finally insert the Bootstrap Code into entry script.

The entry script is only the first script if there are more than one script in command line.

Option –plugin is used to extend license type of obfuscated scripts, it will insert the content of plugin into entry script. The corresponding filename of plugin is Name may be absolute path if it’s not in the current path, or specify plugin path by environment variable PYARMOR_PLUGIN. About the usage of plugin, refer to Using Plugin to Extend License Type

Option –platform is used to specify the target platform of obfuscated scripts if target platform is different from build platform.

Option –restrict is used to set restrict mode, Restrict Mode

If –package-runtime is 0, all the runtime files will be saved in the same path with obfuscated scripts:, or _pytransform.dll in Windows, _pytransform.dylib in MacOS

By default they’ll be saved in the separated folder pytransform as package:

pytransform/, or _pytransform.dll in Windows, _pytransform.dylib in MacOS

Generally if the entry script is, the Bootstrap Code will make a relative import by using leading dots like this:

from .pytransform import pyarmor_runtime

But if –package-runtime is set to 2, it means the Runtime Package will be in other path, so the Bootstrap Code still makes absolute import without leading dots.


  • Obfuscate all the .py only in the current path:

    pyarmor obfuscate
  • Obfuscate all the .py in the current path recursively:

    pyarmor obfuscate --recursive
  • Obfuscate all the .py in the current path recursively, exclude all the .py in the path build and tests:

    pyarmor obfuscate --recursive --exclude build,tests
    pyarmor obfuscate --recursive --exclude build --exclude tests
  • Obfuscate only two scripts, exactly:

    pyarmor obfuscate --exact
  • Obfuscate all the .py file in the path mypkg/:

    pyarmor obfuscate --output dist/mypkg mypkg/
  • Obfuscate all the .py files in the current path, but do not insert cross protection code into obfuscated script dist/

    pyarmor obfuscate --no-cross-protection
  • Obfuscate all the .py files in the current path, but do not insert bootstrap code at the beginning of obfuscated script dist/

    pyarmor obfuscate --no-bootstrap
  • Insert the content of into, then obfuscating

    pyarmor obfuscate --plugin check_ntp_time
  • Obfuscate the scripts in Macos and run obfuscated scripts in Ubuntu:

    pyarmor download --list
    pyarmor download linux_x86_64
    pyarmor obfuscate --platform linux_x86_64
  • Obfuscate the scripts in advanced mode:

    pyarmor obfuscate --advanced 1
  • Obfuscate the scripts with restrict mode 2:

    pyarmor obfuscate --restrict 2
  • Obfuscate all the .py files in the current path except with restrice mode 4:

    pyarmor obfuscate --restrict 4 --exclude --recursive .
  • Obfuscate a package and generate runtime files as package:

    cd /path/to/mypkg
    pyarmor obfuscate -r --package-runtime 2 --output dist/mypkg
  • Obfuscate a script only, no runtime files:

    pyarmor obfuscate --no-runtime --exact


Generate new licenses for obfuscated scripts.


pyarmor licenses <options> CODE


-O, --output OUTPUT
 Output path
-e, --expired YYYY-MM-DD
 Expired date for this license
-d, --bind-disk SN
 Bind license to serial number of harddisk
-4, --bind-ipv4 IPV4
 Bind license to ipv4 addr
-m, --bind-mac MACADDR
 Bind license to mac addr
-x, --bind-data DATA
 Pass extra data to license, used to extend license type


In order to run obfuscated scripts, it’s necessarey to hava a license.lic. As obfuscating the scripts, there is a default license.lic created at the same time. In this license the obfuscated scripts can run on any machine and never expired.

This command is used to generate new licenses for obfuscated scripts. For example:

pyarmor licenses --expired 2019-10-10 mycode

An expired license will be generated in the default output path plus code name licenses/mycode, then overwrite the old one in the same path of obfuscated script:

cp licenses/mycode/license.lic dist/pytransform/

Another example, bind obfuscated scripts in mac address and expired on 2019-10-10:

pyarmor licenses --expired 2019-10-10 --bind-mac 2a:33:50:46:8f tom
cp licenses/tom/license.lic dist/pytransform/

Before this, run command hdinfo to get hardware information:

pyarmor hdinfo

By option -x any data could be saved into the license file, it’s mainly used to extend license tyoe. For example:

pyarmor licenses -x "2019-02-15" tom

In the obfuscated scripts, the data passed by -x could be got by this way:

from pytransfrom import get_license_info
info = get_license_info()


Here is a real example Using Plugin to Extend License Type


Obfuscate the scripts and pack them into one bundle.


pyarmor pack <options> SCRIPT


-O, --output OUTPUT
 Directory to put final built distributions in.
-e, --options OPTIONS
 Extra options to run external tool
-x, --xoptions OPTIONS
 Extra options to obfuscate scripts
 Do not generate license for obfuscated scripts
--clean Remove last build path before packing
--debug Do not remove build files after packing


PyArmor first packes the script by calling PyInstaller, gets the dependencies and other required files.

Then obfuscates all the .py files in the same path of entry script.

Next replace the original scripts with the obfuscated ones.

Finally pack all of them into one bundle.

Option –options EXTRA_OPTIONS could pass any extra options to PyInstaller. It is called by this way:

pyinstaller --distpath DIST -y EXTRA_OPTIONS SCRIPT

Option –xoptions EXTRA_OPTIONS could pass any extra options to obfuscate scripts. pack will call pyarmor to obfuscate scripts like this:

pyarmor obfuscate -r --output DIST EXTRA_OPTIONS SCRIPT

For more information, refer to How To Pack Obfuscated Scripts.


The command pack will obfuscate the scripts automatically, do not try to pack the obfuscated the scripts.


  • Obfuscate and pack them into the bundle dist/foo:

    pyarmor pack
  • Pass extra options to run PyInstaller:

    pyarmor pack -e " -w --icon app.ico"
  • Pass extra options to obfuscate scripts:

    pyarmor pack -x " --exclude venv --exclude test"
  • Pack the obfuscated script to one file and in advanced mode:

    pyarmor pack -e " --onefile" -x " --advanced"
  • If the application name is changed by passing option -n of PyInstaller, the option -s must be specified at the same time. For example:

    pyarmor pack -e " -n my_app" -s "my_app.spec"


Show hardware information of this machine, such as serial number of hard disk, mac address of network card etc. The information got here could be as input data to generate license file for obfuscated scripts.


pyarmor hdinfo

If pyarmor isn’t installed, downlad this tool hdinfo

And run it directly:


It will print the same hardware information as pyarmor hdinfo


Create a project to manage obfuscated scripts.


pyarmor init <options> PATH


-t, --type <auto,app,pkg>
 Project type, default value is auto
-s, --src SRC Base path of python scripts, default is current path
-e, --entry ENTRY
 Entry script of this project


This command will create a project in the specify PATH, and a file .pyarmor_config will be created at the same time, which is project configuration of JSON format.

If the option –type is set to auto, which is the default value, the project type will set to pkg if the entry script is, otherwise to app.

The init command will set is_package to 1 if the new project is configured as pkg, otherwise it’s set to 0.

After project is created, use command config to change the project settings.


  • Create a project in the current path:

    pyarmor init --entry
  • Create a project in the build path obf:

    pyarmor init --entry obf
  • Create a project for package:

    pyarmor init --entry
  • Create a project in the path obf, manage the scripts in the path /path/to/src:

    pyarmor init --src /path/to/src --entry obf


Update project settings.


pyarmor config <options> [PATH]


--name NAME Project name
--title TITLE Project title
--src SRC Project src
--output OUTPUT
 Output path for obfuscated scripts
--manifest TEMPLATE
 Manifest template string
--entry SCRIPT Entry script of this project
--is-package <0,1>
 Set project as package or not
--restrict-mode <0,1,2,3,4>
 Set restrict mode
--obf-mod <0,1>
 Disable or enable to obfuscate module
--obf-code <0,1,2>
 Disable or enable to obfuscate function
--wrap-mode <0,1>
 Disable or enable wrap mode
--advanced-mode <0,1>
 Disable or enable advanced mode
--cross-protection <0,1>
 Disable or enable to insert cross protection code into entry script
--runtime-path RPATH
 Set the path of runtime files in target machine
--plugin NAME Insert extra code to entry script
--package-runtime <0,1,2>
 Save the runtime files as a package or not


Run this command in project path to change project settings:

pyarmor config --option new-value

Or specify the project path at the end:

pyarmor config --option new-value /path/to/project

Option –manifest is comma-separated list of manifest template command, same as of Python Distutils.

Option –entry is comma-separated list of entry scripts, relative to src path of project.


  • Change project name and title:

    pyarmor config --name "project-1"  --title "My PyArmor Project"
  • Change project entries:

    pyarmor config --entry,
  • Exclude path build and dist, do not search .py file from these paths:

    pyarmor config --manifest "global-include *.py, prune build, prune dist"
  • Obfuscate script with wrap mode off:

    pyarmor config --wrap-mode 0
  • Set plugin for entry script. The content of will be insert into entry script as building project:

    pyarmor config --plugin
  • Clear all plugins:

    pyarmor config --plugin clear


Build project, obfuscate all scripts in the project.


-B, --force Force to obfuscate all scripts
-r, --only-runtime
 Generate extra runtime files only
-n, --no-runtime
 DO NOT generate runtime files
-O, --output OUTPUT
 Output path, override project configuration
--platform NAME
 Distribute obfuscated scripts to other platform
--package-runtime <0,1,2>
 Save the runtime files as a package or not


Run this command in project path:

pyarmor build

Or specify the project path at the end:

pyarmor build /path/to/project


  • Only obfuscate the scripts which have been changed since last build:

    pyarmor build
  • Force build all the scripts:

    pyarmor build -B
  • Generate runtime files only, do not try to obfuscate any script:

    pyarmor build -r
  • Obfuscate the scripts only, do not generate runtime files:

    pyarmor build -n
  • Save the obfuscated scripts to other path, it doesn’t change the output path of project settings:

    pyarmor build -B -O /path/to/other
  • Build project in Macos and run obfuscated scripts in Ubuntu:

    pyarmor download --list
    pyarmor download linux_x86_64
    pyarmor build -B --platform linux_x86_64


Show project information.


pyarmor info [PATH]


Run this command in project path:

pyarmor info

Or specify the project path at the end:

pyarmor info /path/to/project


Check consistency of project.


pyarmor check [PATH]


Run this command in project path:

pyarmor check

Or specify the project path at the end:

pyarmor check /path/to/project


Check the performance of obfuscated scripts.


pyarmor benchmark <options>


-m, --obf-mode <0,1>
 Whether to obfuscate the whole module
-c, --obf-code <0,1,2>
 Whether to obfuscate each function
-w, --wrap-mode <0,1>
 Whether to obfuscate each function with wrap mode
--debug Do not remove test path


This command will generate a test script, obfuscate it and run it, then output the elapsed time to initialize, import obfuscated module, run obfuscated functions etc.


  • Test performance with default mode:

    pyarmor benchmark
  • Test performance with no wrap mode:

    pyarmor benchmark --wrap-mode 0
  • Check the test scripts which saved in the path .benchtest:

    pyarmor benchmark --debug


Make registration keyfile effect, or show registration information.


pyarmor register [KEYFILE]


A registration keyfile will be sent to you by email as attachments after purchasing PyArmor. This command is used to register the keyfile to take it effects:

pyarmor register /path/to/

Show registration information:

pyarmor register


List and download platform-dependent dynamic libraries.


pyarmor download <options> PLAT-ID


--list PATTERN List available dynamic libraries in different platforms
-O, --output NAME
 Save downloaded file to another path


In some machines maybe PyArmor could not recognize the platform and raise error. For example:

ERROR: Unsupport platform linux32/armv7l

In this case, check all the available prebuilt libraries:

pyarmor download --list

And download armv7 from this list:

pyarmor download --output linux32/armv7l armv7

Filter could be applied to list the platforms, for example:

pyarmor download --list linux32