Advanced Topics¶
Obfuscating Many Packages¶
There are 3 packages: pkg1, pkg2, pkg2. All of them will be obfuscated, and use shared runtime files.
First change to work path, create 3 projects:
mkdir build
cd build
pyarmor init --src /path/to/pkg1 --entry pkg1
pyarmor init --src /path/to/pkg2 --entry pkg2
pyarmor init --src /path/to/pkg3 --entry pkg3
Then make runtime files, save them in the path dist:
pyarmor build --output dist --only-runtime pkg1
Next obfuscate 3 packages, save them in the dist:
pyarmor build --output dist --no-runtime pkg1
pyarmor build --output dist --no-runtime pkg2
pyarmor build --output dist --no-runtime pkg3
Check all the output and test these obfuscated packages:
ls dist/
cd dist
python -c 'import pkg1
import pkg2
import pkg3'
Distributing Obfuscated Scripts To Other Platform¶
First list and download dynalic library of target platform by command download:
pyarmor download --list
pyarmor download linux_x86_64
Then specify platform name as obfuscating the scripts:
pyarmor obfuscate --platform linux_x86_64
For project:
pyarmor build --platform linux_x86_64
Obfuscating Scripts By Other Version Of Python¶
If there are multiple Python versions installed in the machine, the command pyarmor uses default Python. In case the scripts need to be obfuscated by other Python, run pyarmor by this Python explicitly.
For example, first find
find /usr/local/lib -name
Generally it should be in the /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyarmor in most of linux.
Then run pyarmor as the following way:
/usr/bin/python3.6 /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyarmor/
Let Python Interpreter Recognize Obfuscated Scripts Automatically¶
In a few cases, if Python Interpreter could recognize obfuscated scripts automatically, it will make everything simple:
- Almost all the obfuscated scripts will be run as main script
- In the obfuscated scripts call multiprocessing to create new process
- Or call Popen, os.exec etc. to run any other obfuscated scripts
- …
Here are the base steps:
First obfuscate all the scripts:
pyarmor obfuscate --recursive
In the output path dist, there are 4 runtime files generated at the same time:
- pytransform.key
- (.dll or .dylib)
- license.lic
Create a new path pytransform in the Python system library, it would be lib/site-packages (on Windows) or lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages (on Linux)
Copy 4 runtime files to this path, rename as
Edit lib/ (on Windows) or lib/pythonX.Y/ (on Linux), insert Bootstrap Code before the line if __name__ == ‘__main__’:
from pytransform import pyarmor_runtime pyarmor_runtime()
They also could be inserted into the end of function site.main, or anywhere they could be executed as module site is imported.
After that python could run the obfuscated scripts directly, becausee the module site is automatically imported during Python initialization.
Obfuscating Python Scripts In Different Modes¶
Advanced Mode is introduced from PyArmor 5.5.0, it’s disabled by default. Specify option –advanced to enable it:
pyarmor obfuscate --advanced
From PyArmor 5.2, Restrict Mode is default setting. It could be disabled by this way if required:
pyarmor obfuscate --restrict=0
The modes of Obfuscating Code Mode, Wrap Mode, Obfuscating module Mode could not be changed in command obfucate. They only could be changed in the Using Project. For example:
pyarmor init --src=src .
pyarmor config --obf-mod=1 --obf-code=1 --wrap-mode=0
pyarmor build
Using Plugin to Extend License Type¶
PyArmor could extend license type for obfuscated scripts by plugin. For example, check internet time other than local time.
First create plugin
# Uncomment the next 2 lines for debug as the script isn't obfuscated,
# otherwise runtime module "pytransform" isn't available in development
# from pytransform import pyarmor_init
# pyarmor_init()
from pytransform import get_license_code
from ntplib import NTPClient
from time import mktime, strptime
import sys
EXPIRED_DATE = get_license_code()[4:]
def check_expired():
c = NTPClient()
response = c.request(NTP_SERVER, version=3)
if response.tx_time > mktime(strptime(EXPIRED_DATE, '%Y%m%d')):
Then insert 2 comments in the entry script
# {PyArmor Plugins}
def main():
# PyArmor Plugin: check_expired()
if __name__ == '__main__':
Now obfuscate entry script:
pyarmor obfuscate --plugin check_ntp_time
By this way, the content of
will be insert
after the first comment:
# {PyArmor Plugins}
... the conent of
At the same time, the prefix of second comment will be stripped:
def main():
So the plugin takes effect.
If the plugin file isn’t in the current path, use absolute path instead:
pyarmor obfuscate --plugin /usr/share/pyarmor/check_ntp_time
Or set environment variable PYARMOR_PLUGIN. For example:
export PYARMOR_PLUGIN=/usr/share/pyarmor/plugins
pyarmor obfuscate --plugin check_ntp_time
Finally generate one license file for this obfuscated script:
pyarmor licenses NTP:20190501
Bundle Obfuscated Scripts To One Executable File¶
Run the following command to pack the script to one executable file dist/foo.exe. Here isn’t obfuscated, it will be obfuscated before packing:
pyarmor pack -e " --onefile"
If you don’t want to bundle the license.lic of the obfuscated scripts into the executable file, but put it outside of the executable file. For example:
So that we could generate different licenses for different users later easily. Here are basic steps:
First create runtime-hook script
import sys from os.path import join, dirname with open(join(dirname(sys.executable), 'license.lic'), 'rb') as fs: with open(join(sys._MEIPASS, 'license.lic'), 'wb') as fd: fd.write(
Then pack the scirpt with extra options:
pyarmor pack --clean --without-license \ -e " --onefile --icon logo.ico --runtime-hook"
Option –without-license tells pyamor not to bundle the license.lic of obfuscated scripts to the final executable file. By option –runtime-hook of PyInstaller, the specified script will be executed before any obfuscated scripts are imported. It will copy outer license.lic to right path.
Try to run dist/foo.exe, it should report license error.
Finally run pyarmor licenses to generate new license for the obfuscated scripts, and copy new license.lic and dist/foo.exe to end users:
pyarmor licenses -e 2020-01-01 tom cp license/tom/license.lic dist/ dist/foo.exe